Department of Pediatrics- Emergency Resuscitation consits of 2 functional units: Pediatrics, and Emergency Resuscitation. Pediatrics Department of Ha Tinh city general hospital is considered as a reliable address for examination and treatment for their children, especially children under 6 years old and infants have early symtoms. It is equipped with 45 inpatient beds and served by 5 doctors and 13 nurses.
Pediatric patients come to diagnose and treat common illnesses such as upper respiratory tract , otitis, V & A inflammation, tonsillitis , allergic rhinitis , bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma , virus fever , digestive disorders , diarrhea, acute gastrointestinal (ulcers stomach in children ) , constipation … For those patients with complex diseases about blood, endocrine, genetic… will be redirected to the prestigious specialized hospitals.
Located in the hospital system, Pediatrics uses modern medical equipment such as diagnostic equipment for ultrasonic testing, CT scan, X – ray, biochemical, hematological, virus, ENT endoscope, laparoscopic surgery, audiometer and impedance , EEG measurement …
Department of Pediatrics - Emergency Resuscitation is also responsible for receiving and treating cases of emergency patients who are transferred to the hospital; Asessing and classifying the morbidity and implementing appropriate emergency measures according to the priority level; Giving professional supports, performing the emergency work for inside and outside the hospital when required.